Heads of Europe

Name: Steven

Role: Head of Europe House
Highlight of school life so far: Being awarded head of house for Europe.
Favourite Subject: Computer Science
I spend my time: Helping Mrs Fox and Europe House or listening to my music.
You may know me for: Being a Learning Ambassador and helping out on super learning day for two years, being a digital leader and working on the sound team for two school shows and countless assemblies.
My main message to others: That no matter your academic or sporting ability as long as you are willing to put the work in you can achieve any role you want to.

Name: Georgia
Role: Head of Europe House
Highlight of school life so far: Winning sports day with Europe and winning the PGL netball tournament with my team
Favourite Subject: PE, English, Maths, Product Design
I spend my time: Playing Netball and Rounders with my friends
You may know me for: Being house captain in year 10, helping out with parents evenings and taking part in the dance shows
My main message to others: I am excited to help europe house be more involved and more confident within school. Never hesitate to ask me or Steven any questions you may have! We are always willing to help!