Heads of Asia

Name: Awni

Role: Head of Asia House
Highlight of school life so far: Being appointed for Head of Asia house
Favourite subjects: Music and Science
I spend my time: Listening to music and spending time with friends
You may know me for: Helping out in open evenings, parents evenings, being a part of the pupil support team and being Head of Asia
My main message to others: I would say never let someone stop you taking part or getting involved in anything within school.Also if you need to ask a question or need help,you can come and speak to me or any other members of the SSLT. Last thing, I want to be able to encourage pupils to take on any opportunities that come in their way.

Name: Emily
Role: Head of Asia House
Highlights of school life so far: Taking part in the four dance shows ( musical madness, magic of the movies, dancing through to decades and American spirit)
Favourite subjects: Drama, Dance, English and History.
I spend my time: I dance a lot and I help out at a local youth club.
You may know me for: I was form captain of Hong Kong when I was in year 9 and I've helped out at years 9, 8 and 7 parents evening.
My main message to others: Never ever, ever give up on yourself. You're capable to do anything you put your mind to just make sure you do everything you possibly can do achieve what you want to achieve because you don't want to live your life full of regrets. Yes, you may not succeed in everything you try to do but at least you've tried and give it a go. Remember failure is a good thing, it prepares you for later on in life so don't be too downhearted if you don't achieve something you had your heart set on because I strongly agree with the saying 'things happen for a reason'.